If you have been asked by our Support Team to capture a Debug Log File, please follow the steps below:
- Add a shortcut to the GP Reports Viewer - Support Dialog window. On the GP Home Page, right click in the Navigation Pane on the left, and choose Add | Add Window. Expand GP Reports Viewer, then Company and select GP Reports Viewer - Support Debug, click Add:
- Click on the newly created shortcut on the Navigation Pane to open the Support Dialog. Enter a path to where the log file should be saved and include a filename (e.g. LogFile.txt), then click Start Log:
- Follow the steps that are causing the error, click OK to any error messages received and then exit the area where the error is occurring (e.g. close the GP Reports Viewer window or the Sales Transaction Entry window).
- On the Support Debug window click the End Log button.
- In Windows Explorer, navigate to where the log file has been created and open it in Notepad. IMPORTANT NOTE: The log file captures the SQL password in clear text. Therefore, it is recommended that you open the file and look for entries for "LogonServer", ensure that the password listed is correct and then replace the password with some other value (e.g. "password" or "pw") and save the file.
- Email the resulting log file to the Support Team.
KB ARTICLE: 21034032