"Invalid argument provided" error when printing a Crystal Report based on a stored procedure

ISSUE:  Receiving one of the following errors when printing a Crystal Report based on a stored procedure using GP Reports Viewer:

 "Invalid argument provided" 

 "Login failed" 

 "Failed to open the connection. Details:  [Database Vendor Code: 17]"

Another symptom of this issue is if the database the report is based on does not switch automatically to the current Dynamics GP company using GP Reports Viewer.

SOLUTION:  Please contact us by emailing support@flex-solutions.com or clicking new above to start a new support incident.  We will send you a new GPReports.exe file.  Steps to install it:

  • Rename your existing GPReports.exe file located in your GP installation directory to GPReportsOLD.exe 
  • Unzip the file and remove the '.rename' file extension so that the file is now called GPReports.exe and copy it into your GP installation directory
  • Right click on the new GPReports.exe file and choose Properties, if you have an Unblock button at the bottom, please click it and choose Apply, then OK to close the Properties window
  • Launch Dynamics GP and try to print the report you were having trouble with again
  • If you receive an Open File - Security Warning saying that the GPReports.exe is from an Unknown Publisher, uncheck the box at the bottom left for Always ask before opening this file
If you are still having trouble printing the report properly after this, please let us know.


FIXED:  The fix for this issue is included in builds 60 and higher for GP 2010. 

SOURCE:  Support Ticket 1409

KB ARTICLE:  21809891

LAST UPDATED:  August 9, 2012 

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